As stated previously, we have been closely following the guidelines from our state and county governments as well as the guidelines from the CDC, Public Health Department and OSHA.
As the state and local governments begin to roll out phase two of the reopening of our regions, Investors Title’s primary concern is always focused first on the health and safety of our employees and customers.
Health Screening Questionnaire

As of July 1, 2020, clients have the option of in-office closings using the plexiglass guard, and some of our offices are currently providing this service. In order for the closing to take place via a plexiglass guard in the office, our team will ask the signers health questions when a closing is scheduled and document your file by using the attached form.
If clients answer yes to any of the following questions let your client know that alternative arrangements will have to be made for closing, or if any of the below symptoms occur prior and up to the signing day, Investors Title needs to be notified immediately.
- Do you have a new cough?
- Do you have a cough that you have had for more than a month?
- Have you felt feverish or had a fever in the past 24 hours?
- Do you feel short of breath or have difficulty breathing in a way that is not normal for you?
- Have you had exposure to a person who is symptomatic and/or has a lab-confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 in the past 14 days?
- Have you traveled internationally or on a cruise ship within the past 14 days?
In-office Procedures
We are still implementing the following health and safety measures in our office to ensure staff and visitors as safe as possible.
- Only the signers of the closing and real estate agent/lender will be allowed to attend the closing.
- Signers must wear a mask.
- All attendees to wear a mask.
- The closer must wear a mask.
- New pens are to be used for each closing and disposed of afterward.
- Social distancing precautions will be in place.
- Hand sanitizer will be on each closing table and should be used.
- The room as well as the plexiglass guard will be disinfected after each closing.
- Handwashing is very important and should be done after each closing and handling of documents.
We will continue to monitor our state/county governments as well as the guidelines from the CDC, Public Health Department and OSHA and change our procedures accordingly.
In addition, Investors Title will be providing a notice to be placed on the entry door to the offices regarding if they have any symptoms to please not enter.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to navigate this new territory. We appreciate all of our dedicated clients and look forward to working with you now and in the future.